European Association
of American Square Dancing Clubs e.V.

Friendship is Square Dancing's greatest reward


EAASDC-Bulletin February 2011

Designing Flyers (16)

Don't forget the English!

Klaus Kietzmann, former Bulletin Editor (2002-2010) / EAASDC Honorary Lifetime Member

After a break of about two years I would now like to continue my little series of advice on the composition of flyers for Special Dances (to be found on the EAASDC web site under “Tips” http://www.eaasdc.eu/tips.php.

In order to prevent any misunderstandings I hasten to add that this advice does not come from the EAASDC Board but is my personal opinion, based on 8 years experience in preparing flyers for printing in the Bulletin.

Most flyers for Special Dances in Germany (exceptions: Jamborees IPAC; European RD Week, Schneeflöckchen Dance, RD Clinic Sorpesee, Osterdance) are only issued in German. But the EAASDC is a bilingual association (German/English) and I think it is only fair for our non German speaking members if our flyers are bilingual. Perhaps more guests from the non German speaking neighbour countries will visit your Special dance. Surely you can find somebody in your club to translate the text on the flyer into English.

Perhaps this little extra work will attract more guests to your next Special dance

- isn the opinion of your adviser Klaus