European Association
of American Square Dancing Clubs e.V.

Friendship is Square Dancing's greatest reward


EAASDC-Bulletin November 2010


25 Jahre / 25 years
Friendship Squares Würzburg

Angela Eckert – Historian

Friendship Squares - the name is our program

When 25 years ago the "Friendship Squares" were founded by the caller Joe Dungan together with our president Jörg Motschmann, nobody was envisioning that it would develop in a short time into a square dance club with by now 66 members.

The first class started already at the end of September 1985 in the American High School in Würzburg and was graduated in April of 1986.

Presently the club has a permanent dancing place in the elementary school in Hettstadt near Würzburg. Almost every year a new class is conducted.

In September of 1988 Klaus Braun replaced Joe Dungan as caller. Joe was an always dependable caller, who felt very close to the club, when with mixed feelings he went into his well deserved caller retirement. We would like to use this opportunity to once again thank him very much for his engagement and loyalty. Klaus passed the baton on to Hubert Kolter who is the caller of the "Friendships" to this day. Also to him the club's thanks for his engagement, his helpfulness, his patience and his dependable good spirits.

During the 25 years of their existence, the "Friendship Squares" organized several interesting specials, as for instance the 33rd. Bavarian Festival, the "Main Dance" (on a moving pleasure boat on the Main River), or the "Hettschter Airfield Dance" on the Hettstadt air field.

In addition to the specials, there are several yearly occurring events, where we give demos e.g. the "Spring International" in Würzburg or the "Sixtach" in Hettstadt

Our special thanks to our incumbent president Christiane Leeg who, when we form the friendship ring at the end of every club night, observes "All week long you will never see so many laughing faces as at our club night".

Friendship and fun - that is the motto of the "Friendship Squares". We are looking forward to the next 25 years of square dance !

Why not visit our website: www.friendshipsquares.de

Angela Eckert - Historian of the "Friendship Squares" Würzburg

Translation: Ursula Kreis

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