European Association
of American Square Dancing Clubs e.V.

Friendship is Square Dancing's greatest reward


EAASDC-Bulletin June 2011

EAASDC President‘s Letter

Wolfgang Daiss
Tel: +49 179-7642598

Dear members,

Since a few weeks, the grass grows again. No, not over some old stories, but outside in nature. This leads to my favorite pass time, the lawn mowing and I use this occupation for contemplating this and that. And thoughts and feelings about the development of our hobby come to mind and heart.

I remember how dancing guest from other clubs were always welcome and especially the first visit was not connected with any demands that I do not wish to discuss further here. It was nice to welcome other dancers to a club night in a friendly, heartfelt and courteous way, to look after them and to make them feel welcome throughout the whole evening. In return those dancers showed us how good it felt to be with us and on their part acted as friendly, grateful guest. There was no demanding or taking, only giving.

I remember, how clubs helped each other to organize our dances, working together on developing our hobby. There was no competition, jealousy or envy, there was "we want together" and "how can we help you".

I remember how we looked forward to an event or a club visit, excited about what would be different from the way we were used to. We regarded anything new and strange as a diversion, that did us good personally. We were open for changes and experiences, because they brought us forward intellectually, culturally and as humans.

I remember how we had fun being challenged with new figures and variations,
but we also had fun helping an insecure dancer through the square for numerous time. We saw it as a great diversion to dance to x different leaders, but we were also curious about the different cues and calls of one leader during several hours. We enjoyed dancing to an experienced leader but we were gladly ready to give support and patience to a still inexperienced one. In short we did not place expectations in others when dancing and with our positive attitude allowed ourselves to have fun. And we put the person in the foreground, not their accomplishment.

I remember that this hobby was more than flawless dancing, exact styling and page long definitions. It had human and cultural contents and values. It had a tradition with four corners. You opened a door and found yourself in another world, without stress and quarrel, without room for personal disappointment, where nobody nagged you and your expectations weren't too high, where you offered your opinion only in a positive, motivating and constructive way. You left your negative emotions outside and took care that you and everybody else felt good.

I remember the time when I got to know this hobby and what had at the time impressed me the most: If you get involved in a positive way and give instead of demand, you receive back more that you could ever pay for.

Do I think too much about the old times? Are they gone never to come back? The grass, at any rate, grows and always comes back.


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