European Association
of American Square Dancing Clubs e.V.

Friendship is Square Dancing's greatest reward



News Details

2021-07-25 - Notice in referende to Coronavirus/COVID-19


Re-entry into active club life with dance – how should that work?

Dear board members and dancers,

throughout the last months I often thought, why is there no statement about this from the umbrella organization? Now that I am in office myself and slowly learning the ropes, I do understand it a little better.

But here comes my personal view on this subject:

Corona is not over yet and unfortunately there are still not enough people vaccinated to reach the so-called “herd immunity”. Unfortunately, the numbers of new infections are even slowly going up again at the moment.

Nevertheless, everyone would like to dance again and for this my suggestions, which are expressly no recommendation on the part of the umbrella organization!

  • Of course each association must inquire about the local restrictions! There is no way around it.
  • The landlord/owner/operator of the dance hall may also have requirements that must be met.
  • A good hygiene concept with a clear structure:
    • Entering the dance venue with mask
    • Wash and disinfect hands
    • If necessary, measure temperature without contact
    • Keep attendance lists
    • Check and document the recovered, vaccinated and tested
  • Develop an implementation plan for different scenarios (non-contact/contact sports).

If all these things are well and clearly worked out and the landlords/operators of the dance venues accept them, then I think we can start dancing cautiously again. Of course, that's a lot of requirements I'm mentioning there, but we all don't want to serve as a hotspot for a wave of infection. I firmly believe that we will be better off in a few months than we are today if we pull ourselves together just for a little longer now and live with the restrictions. If that's the price we pay to get back to a life where corona is a manageable disease, then I'm happy to pay it. I am looking forward to meet-ing you at the latest next year in one or the other Square or even beside it.

Yours, Claudia
President EAASDC e.V.

PS: Please don´t forget to notify your restarting club nights to the EAASDC homepage at „Corona-Meldung“.




Our efforts for clarification with the GEMA have led to the following answer:

  •  You don’t have to pay anymore GEMA-fees for uploading music to social media (youtube, facebook, etc.)
  • Yet, you have to follow the general terms and condition of the respective channel as well as the legal act of copyrights.




Due to governmental release issues we receive an increasing number of questions concerning “can we dance again?” The answer is: Please be patient, since the exercise of our dance forms is restrained at this time! A Newsletter with an estimation as well as some Information will be put together in the coming week and send to all our member-clubs after completion. Stay healthy!


The following link informs about changes in the German association law due to the Corona pandemic, but is restricted for Germany Clubs only.






The European Convention 2020 in Sweden has been cancelled. Info under Opens external link in new windowconvention2020.eu/prod/index.php Sad to hear that a great event will be cancelled and the chance to dance and meet all our friends worldwide has become a victim of the corona pandemic. But if we all will be save by that decision, it was the right one and we will dance and meet all our friends in the near future again. The best wishes and biggest respect of the whole EAASDC to all our Swedish friends who have spent so much energy and time and done such a great job of planning and organizing. We feel with them and understand all the harm they went thru, as well as the frustration they experience now.Tack Sverige



2020-03-17 22:00:

Info about the govermental ordered closing of public areas, shops, etc. :

Opens external link in new windowhttps://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/themen/coronavirus/leitlinien-bund-laender-1731000
(in German laguage)




2020-03-13 15:30:

Due to increasing questions in reference to cancellation of dance activities of our member clubs we like to inform as follows:

The German Dancesport association has recommended to his members on 12th March to cancel all events – comparable to our S, SCN – beginning 15th March preliminary until end of April, as well as getting in contact with the local health offices for clarification about continuing with their regular training activities – comparable to our CN, WS, check Opens external link in new windowhttps://www.tanzsport.de/de/news/news-reader/empfehlungen-des-dtv-krisenstabes

The Danish Square Dance Association has recommended to its member clubs to cancel all dance activities preliminary

Some EAASDC member clubs have cancelled their complete dance activities preliminary


Whoever wants to eliminate an eventual possibility of infection at his dance activities is left with only one consequence: stop your dance activities preliminary. However, the decision is up to each club itself and should be made considerate adapted to the actual progress and following the instructions of or in closed substitution with your local officials.

EAASDC has no legal basis to cancel or prohibit dance activities. Thereby connected are no legal claim liabilities. In this regard and our recommendations we refer to our notice 1st March.



2020-03-09 21:30:

Spring Jamboree 2020 canceled

The Spring Jamboree 2020 will be canceled due to new, unachievable requirements on the part of the authorities.

Info about the cancellation, specially reimbursement of paid entrance fee, etc., is published on the website  Opens external link in new windowhttps://jamboree2020.de/.

The cancellation includes the EAASDC membership meeting. Information about the following measures will be provided to all members on time.

We ask everybody for understanding, that we first have to overcome this special situation human wise as well as organizational.



Current information on the virus, as well as recommended protective and behavioural measures, can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Health, the Robert Koch Institute, Statista and many other publications.

Opens external link in new windowhttps://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/coronavirus.html
Opens external link in new windowhttps://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Fallzahlen.html
Opens external link in new windowhttps://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1101076/umfrage/entwicklung-der-weltweiten-anzahl-geheilter-corona-patienten/
Opens external link in new windowhttps://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1090985/umfrage/fallzahl-des-coronavirus-2019-ncov-nach-laendern/

Additional EAASDC recommendations to our member clubs and dancers:

If anyone currently feels safer wearing gloves or mouthguards, we should respect and accept this.

Organisational measure for dance events with participants who don't belong to your club: Display the guest book or a list, with the note "in order to persue justified interests, in accordance with Art. 6.1 f) DSGVO, we ask all participants in this event to give us your name and a contact option (choice of: address, telephone number, email-addy, name of your club), for the purpose of possible tracing of a chain of infection in connection with the corona virus.".




Momentary status "Spring Jamboree 2020"

The Kuntry Kuzins are in constant contact with the magistrate of the city of Hochheim and the district of Hofheim as well as with the responsible health authority. According to the current status the Jamboree will take place, but: Please have a look at the homepage Opens external link in new windowhttps://www.kuntrykuzins.de/ before you get on the road.




In connection with the development of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 we receive increasing questions whether the Association will cancel events and dance activities. We like to comment as follows:

The decision of holding or cancelling dance activities of our member clubs is not within the responsibility of the EAASDC. On one side we are not the organizer of the dance activities and on the other side we do not have the necessary professional knowledge to direct these kind of actions. We recommend to watch the reporting news, specially from the Federal Ministry of Health, and follow the federal and local official advices and directives. Also we recommend to our member clubs to place actual information about club arrangements in reference to the virus on their web side, so all dancers receive knowledge. As long as dance activities are not blocked or cancelled a participation is up to the decision of each individual himself.

If the EAASDC has any further actual Info and notice of general importance for dancers and clubs we will publish it on this side.

We wish all infected people a soon recovery and that all others will be spared, as well as we hope that this virus will disappear soon.

Impact of the Corona-Virus on the Spring Jamboree 2020 at Hochheim

A cancellation of the event is not in effect at this time. We will observe the development and follow official directives. In case there will be new info, you will find it on our website Opens external link in current windowwww.eaasdc.eu or the webside of the Kuntry Kuzins Opens external link in new windowwww.kuntrykuzins.de