“Yellow Rabbits” organize a big event of the European Association for Dance Leaders Seckach. (Im) The “Yellow Rabbits” Square Dance Club of Seckach organized during the weekend the 9th ECTA Contra Convention. ECTA is the European Association for Dance Leaders of different dance forms; “Contra Dance” means dances that are danced after prompting by a prompter in a certain manner. For outsiders it is hardly understandable how hundreds of persons are able to interpret together a choreography on a huge dance floor. But the amateur soon notices how much fun the dancers have with these called (or prompted) dances similar to Square Dance. At the same time it is obvious that there are no generation problems in these dance forms as at the 9th ECTA Contra Convention in the Seckachtal Hall nearly all age groups were present. The dancers of Seckach and numerous guests from different parts of Europe could learn a lot about “Contra Dancing” during this weekend. Here there are not only squares, as is the case in Square Dancing, but also amongst other forms circles and lines. Briefly: there were no limits for choreographic imagination. The “Yellow Rabbits” of Seckach with their president Helga Mehlhase had been employed to organize such big events like the 9th ECTA Contra Convention due to their experience. All Contra Dance friends and interested people were welcome at this event, particularly members of dance groups from schools as well as folkdance and senior citizens groups, because all these dances have the same roots. At this meeting in Seckach the theme was the theory and practise of dancing. Helga and Jörg Mehlhase had had the chance to invite as caller and consultant Al Green from England, Rollo Leppin from Oberursel, Hans Krackau from Berlin as well as Carol David-Blackman from Aix-la-Chapelle. On Friday there was the “Warmup”, Saturday was reserved only for dancing while the Zurich Band “Over the Isles” was responsible for the live music. On Sunday informative theory was on offer and dancing finished with a party. On Saturday also one person was specially honored. After welcoming the guests Mayor Thomas Ludwig commended particularly the “Yellow Rabbits” and Al Green was honored for his 50 years’ activity as a caller for ECTA (European Callers and Teachers Association). Jörg Mehlhase and the coordinator for Contra Dancing Hans Krackau presented him with a certificate and a cup. Helga Mehlhase finally thanked all the dancers, callers and her hardworking team in the background. (The reproduction of this article is given by kind permission of the author L. Merkle.) Transl.: Hartmut Heiber 