European Association
of American Square Dancing Clubs e.V.

Friendship is Square Dancing's greatest reward



Documents, forms, logos of EAASDC e.V.

Common Documents

What? Link Date Reponsible
Statutes of EAASDC e.V.  pdf 2019-03-09 EAASDC-President
By-Laws of EAASDC e.V. pdf 2019-03-09 EAASDC-President
Guidelines for Special Dances / Charter Dances html   EAASDC-President
Guidelines for Jamborees (only in German) html/pdf 2024-02-15 EAASDC-President

Special documents

Documents and information for dancers html 2012-12-18 (next page)
Documents for member clubs html 2024-05-27 (next page)
Documents for new clubs html 2024-01-02 (next page)


EAASDC logos html   (next page)

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