European Association
of American Square Dancing Clubs e.V.

Friendship is Square Dancing's greatest reward


EAASDC-Bulletin June 2011


Berlin is worth the trip –
the Round Dance Festival in Berlin twice as much!
Heike Beck, Rhythm Rounds Mannheim

This year’s RDF took place from May 20-22, 2011 in Berlin, and the most important thing first: Thank you to the Dreaming Pivots, who, together with their club cuers Sammy David and Bernd Zimmermann, put on a wonderful round dance weekend!

After facing many difficulties long before the event, including a necessary change of location in January, we were given the opportunity to experience a great Round Dance Festival. A little reminiscent of “the good old days”, with food and drink available at very reasonable prices, at an event which put round dancing and the dancers in the foreground.

Not to forget the wonderful weather, which the Dreaming Pivots had ordered especially for us.

Unfortunately, only 131 dancers chose to participate. And the fact that only a few cuers had agreed to be part of the program, made the workload for Sammy and Bernd that much heavier. They did a great job! Also a special thanks to the cuers who were there and helped create a nice, danceable program with much variety.

A little information for all round dancers:

The workshops that were presented at the RDF are all nice and very danceable. Hopefully all the club cuers will agree and teach and cue them in their clubs.

If you weren’t there, you really missed a great event! We enjoyed it to the fullest and are glad we were a part of it all!

Translation: Don Casper

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