European Association
of American Square Dancing Clubs e.V.

Friendship is Square Dancing's greatest reward



EAASDC Bulletin

Official Publication of
European Association of American Square Dancing Clubs

  • Would you like to know the time and place of an event?
    - With the EAASDC BULLETIN you will always have up-to-date details at your fingertips.
  • Would you like to know when and where the closest SQUARE DANCE or ROUND DANCE CLUB dance?
    - The EAASDC DIRECTORY contains addresses, dance times and contact information for all member clubs.
  • For a subscription price of only 18 EUROs a year
    you can get 8 issues of the BULLETIN plus the latest DIRECTORY 2 times yearly.
Issue 2024: February 2nd March 1st April 26th June 7th July 19th August 23th Octber 18th December 6th
Deadline 2024:  January 4th February 1st March 28rd May 94th June 20th July 25th September 19th November 7th


Current isssues

For a complete reading of all articles, announcements and advertisings please order the printed version: Subscription

   2024 February March April June July August October December



  2023 February March April June July August October December 
  2022 February March April June July August October December 
  2021 February March May June August September November December 
  2020 Ferbruary March May June August September November December 
  2019 February March May June August September November December
(not published)
  2018 February March May June  August  September  November  December 
  2017 February March May June  August  September  November  December 
  2016 February March May June  August  September  November  December 
  2015 February March May June  August  September  November  December 
  2014 February March May June  August  September  November  December 
  2013 February March May June  August  September  November  December 
  2012 February March May June  August  September  November  December 
  2011 February March May June  August  September  November  December 
  2010 February March May June August September November December
  2009 February March May June August  September  November December
  2008 February March May June August September November  December
  2007 February March May June  August September  November  December


2006  2005  2004  2003   2002  2001  2000  1999  1998  1997  1996 

 German Index 1995 to 2001 - German Index 2007 to 2015 (Author: Klaus Rohrbach)

The "EAASDC BULLETIN" is the official publication of the European Association of American Square Dancing Clubs. It is published 8 times per year by EAASDC. Articles may be reprinted using credit:

"Reprint from the EAASDC BULLETIN, official publication of European Association of American Square Dancing Clubs". Please credit bylined authors.

The views expressed in the "Bulletin" are those of the individual contributors and those people in violent disagreement with any article are invited to become contributors themselves.

Subscription: Bulletin (8 issues) + Directory (2 issues): 18 Euro per year.

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